Our Awesome E-biking Community, In Pics

BLOG   community   Our Awesome E-biking Community, In Pics

May is just around the corner and the season of active travel is nearly upon us. Of course, we know that our hardened e-biking community is out exploring year-round in all weather! Nevertheless, there is nothing like heading out on your e-bike in the warm spring air with all the sights and sounds that go along with it. 

With that in mind, we thought we’d pick out and share just a few of our favourite photographs from the VOLT E-bike community. 

You can find more community photos on our Volt On The Road page. And if you’re planning an adventure with your VOLT or doing something interesting with your electric bike this year, we’d love to hear about it. Either contact us via the website or get in touch via our Facebook page.

Best LOL (and overall fave) Photo

Thanks Sam for photographing your Alpine e-MTB in a picture we can’t stop looking back at over and over again!

Favourite photo in front of a building  

Sandy managed to include not one but two e-bikes (Metro and Metro LS) in front of the awe-inspiring Mont Saint-Michel, France. 

Best Photo with an animal 

This is one of our favourite photo categories and there was plenty of stiff competition from some heart-melting photos of bikes and dogs. However, we love the uniqueness of Gillian’s Kensington in front of two cows having a drink with bonus points for including some ducks too!    

Favourite photo on a beach

Two thumbs up back at you Vaughan. Great beach, great electric bike (Pulse) and great pose!

Inspired? Send your photos via Volt on the Road

Inspired but don’t have an E-bike yet? Arrange your free test ride today!