Business Green’s Week with the Metro LS
Business Green is one of the UK’s main source for green business, environmental issues and delivers in-depth news, opinion pieces and reviews of everything happening in the green economy.
One of its reporters, Madeleine Cuff, got to borrow our Metro LS for a week fairly recently. A recent cold snap gave her the chance to test out our popular commuter electric bike in the British winter at it’s best!
“I’m sure there’s a certain sniffiness reserved for e-bikes, but trust me, when it’s dark and cold and rainy you’ll have no qualms about whacking up the power and letting the motor ride you home as quickly as possible. I power the bike up to ‘high’ and zoom through Waterloo, London Bridge, Bermondsey, and Deptford in double quick time.”
Madeleine commented on how e-bikes can help businesses lower carbon emissions, give employees health benefits and how they’re a great mode of transport if you’re having to commute back and forth. However, she also noted how the different power modes on her LS can create a customisable riding experience.
“They are also hugely enjoyable. For the rest of the week, I master the route to and from the office. I spent most of my morning rides in ‘low’ power mode, preferring to bank the exercise early in the day and enjoying the gentle effort you still need to exert to get up and down hills. Then, in the dark and cold of the evening, I ramp up the power mode and whizz home as fast as possible. It’s a testament to how little effort you need to expend on an e-bike that I even go to my regular spinning class on Wednesday evening.”
Overall, it looks like Madeleine’s time with an electric bike was enough to win her over, and judging by her last few sentences, she’s going to be riding one year round!
“But am I now yearning for spring mornings, where I can jump on an e-bike and glide to the office in a haze of sunshine? Hell yes.”
If you’d like to read more of this informative article visit Business Green here. If you’re thinking about trying out the Metro LS then you can take it out for a spin by booking a free test ride.
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