Volt Stories: On Tour Since 2016 and still tearing it up on their Metro E-bikes!

BLOG   community   Volt Stories: On Tour Since 2016 and still tearing it up on their Metro E-bikes!

Oh, those heady days of 2016, when British headlines were preoccupied with what colour our new passports would be! Well, one of the few things that has stayed consistent since then is Alan and Lynn’s love for their folding electric bikes!

From the get-go, Volt has always taken the time and care to listen to the feedback from our customers. We cherish the relationships we’ve forged over our ten years in business and love how the e-biking community as blossomed as the industry has grown. 

In response to that community and as a means to mark our 10th Birthday during a global pandemic (2020), we created Volt on the road. It’s basically an area where customers can share photos from their experiences and adventures with their Volt E-bike. The idea grew as a result of continued communications with customers just like Alan and Lynn. We’ve always loved seeing what our fantastic Volt owners get up to with their purchases and with Lynn and Allan celebrating their fifth year on the same Metros, we felt it would be nice to share their experience with you in a special feature. 

We’re so grateful to have brilliant customers like Alan and Lynn and we’re thankful to them for allowing us to share their experience on here… 

In the Beginning (Bays Bikes Morecambe)

Aug 2016:

Hi, we bought our Voltbikes in February from Bays Bikes Morecambe and when our friends saw them they went and ordered the same ones, and we thought we would let you know we absolutely love them, we have a smile on our faces every time we ride them, we have had so much fun on them. It’s the only way to cycle.”

A year in love on the Metro (2017)

May 2017:

The bikes at platform 1 at Millers Dale station are Volt Metro and Metro LS, departing for Bakewell along the Monsal Trail between Buxton and Bakewell Derbyshire, great place to cycle.

Aug 2017:

Hi, we have been out on our Volt Metro and Volt LS for a ride along Morecambe Prom which is a great place to go, it has a shared cycle and walking path which is quite wide and makes for a great day out.Today we met this chap and he said Volt Bikes brought him sunshine.”

Dec 2017

The Voltbikes gang of four on our last ride of 2017 along the Manifold Trail. Best wishes to all at Voltbikes. We look forward to many more miles on our fantastic bikes.”

Another Great Year with Volt (2018)

The last bike ride of 2018 today along the Middlewood Way, another year of fantastic bike rides on our Volt Metro’s, the only way to go. Alan, Lynn, Alan and Alison wish Voltbikes a great New Year.”

Standing the Test of Time (2021)

Feb 2021

We just want to thank you for your very efficient and quick service with regards our order for the replacement batteries. We are more than happy to feature in a post, and please find attached photos taken last year.”