BLOG press Stylist Magazine Thinks the Kensington is the Perfect “Pick-me-up” Purchase During Self-isolation

In these strange days of strict lockdowns and social distancing, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Yet, it’s uplifting to see how all around the world people are coming up with ways to keep our spirits up! Whether it’s singing at the window, watching free theatre and musical performances online or a nationwide round of applause for our NHS, the public has been keeping up morale throughout.
With non-essential shops shut, “retail therapy” can seem out of reach for some too. Luckily, the premium weekly Stylist Magazine have been thinking about their readers and what might help them get through these difficult times.
They’ve come up with a list of 30 things you can buy to brighten up being in self-isolation, and we’re thrilled to see the Volt Kensington has made it on the list!
Whether it is for riding as your one form of exercise a day or as something to look forward to when we emerge from lockdown, the Kensington definitely has the potential to make us think of a better time when our current predicament improves. And when it does, how about making up for the lost time by cycling to work instead of taking public transport? Also, as Stylist points out, it’s “incredibly comfortable”!
Cycling is a great way to get your ‘government-issued’ once-a-day outdoor exercise. It could also help you maintain the minimum 6 feet distance from other members of the public. With so many cars off the road now, cycling has never felt so right.
Stay safe out there!
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