The Independent places 2 Volt Ebikes in their top 10

BLOG   press   The Independent places 2 Volt Ebikes in their top 10

Like much of the British Press, The Independent has shown a keen interest in Volt over the years and have often shared their love for our ebikes through a number of reviews and articles. This is something we never take for granted, so it’s great to see that even in a burgeoning, and increasingly competitive market, our bikes are not only still holding their own but wowing all those who ride them! 

On this year’s “10 best electric bikes that are compact, easily rechargeable and sleek” the Kensington and Pulse were honoured with a mention. This means that Volt occupied one-fifth of the Independent’s Top 10 list!

Both models made a mark with reviewer David Phelan, who described the Kensington as “elegant and pleasing” as well as having “good attention to detail”.

The Pulse also receives praise for being “strikingly designed” as well as having a smooth acceleration that “may convince yourself you’re doing all the work and are fitter than you imagined”.

As highlighted in the article, the referenced retailers, brands and manufacturers had no influence over what makes this list and the Independent has no commercial or advertising interest associated with it. So to make two out of the ten spots in this well-respected publication is a genuine thrill for all us here and further encouragement to keep innovating the industry.  

You can read the complete article on The Independent website. If you’d like to take out the Pulse, Kensington or any other of our electric bikes for a spin, then why not book a test ride?