Weather the Storm this Weekend with the Bicycle Film Festival

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Bicycle Film Festival

What do cycle enthusiasts do when sleet, snow and ice with gusts of wind reaching up to 70mph are forecast? Well from today they can batten down the hatches, hunker down and enjoy the Bicycle Film Festival!

Yes, as the UK braces for storm Arwen it looks like any outdoor adventures planned for the next couple of days may have to be put on hold. Luckily those left yearning for some two-wheeled pedal action will be able to get their fix from the warmth and comfort of their own sofas! From the 26th of November to the 5th of December the Bicycle Film Festival (BFF) are running the virtual London Bicycle Film Festival.

As BFF celebrate their 20th Anniversary, Volt E-bikes are proud to be a sponsor of this culturally important event. In partnership with London Cycling Campaign, the festival offers a broad collection of films from award-winning filmmakers with cycling central to their themes.

From films about cycling in response to knife crime in London to stories exploring the relationship between a father and his BMX riding son (a film produced by LA Lakers star Lebron James), cycling is always at the heart of this eclectic and carefully curated collection.

You can find out more and buy your tickets at the BFF London #2 event page.