Square Wheels Rule OK

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Square-Wheels Ebike

Remember the announcement of our new concept e-bike the Pista KE on the 1st of April earlier this year?! Well, it seems we weren’t the only ones with the vision, drive and ingenuity to conceive a square wheel cycle…

It turns out that Volt customer, Martin Tracy had already brought the patent and put into production a square-wheeled transport system that he had proudly placed above his framing Shop! 

Luckily, we managed to leave the lawyers out of it and were thrilled to hear how Martin and his partner had been making the most out of their Volt e-bikes. We asked if he would be kind enough to share his experience on our blog, and being the true gent that he is, he came back with a marvellously worded account and some fantastic pictures too… 

PISTA KE indeed… But I beat you to it…

“For 30 years I owned The Framing Workshop in Bath and built a reputation for attracting attention with my creative and innovative window displays. The square-shaped wheels (frames) of the brightly coloured bike above our shop window drew much press interest as an April Fool’s day ‘stunt’ much, no doubt, as did your PISTA KE this year. You would be surprised at the number of people who thought it was rideable!!

I have always been a keen long-distance cyclist, completing trips that included Lands End to John O’Groats…..and back, and the length of New Zealand……..North to South. So when I sold my framing business a couple of years ago we decided to spend as much time as we could travelling the length and breadth of UK in our motorhome, cycling (and walking) as much as we could.

But what bike was going to do the job?

After much research, trying out and reading about every folding e-bike (had to fit into the ‘garage’ of the ‘home’) in the country, we settled on a Volt Metro and Metro LS.

From the moment we cycled from Bath to Bristol (and back) along the old railway track cycle path, we were smitten.

The quality of build, range/distance of battery, comfort to weight ratio and high spec of brakes and gearing was perfect.

The ability to cycle without using the battery, due to the gear range, enables us to cycle together…..a great leveller!!

Handsome ebikes that whenever we go out folk are asking us about them.

We enjoy every minute on our bikes, here are some highlights from around the UK… 

For more information about buying and testing Volt electric bikes in Bath and Bristol, please visit our Gloucester Dealers page.