VOLT Bikes Light Up Big Energy Saving Week 2024

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Woman riding ebike

As we dive into Big Energy Saving Week 2024, VOLT Bikes is proud to highlight our partnership with Energy Saving Trust, fueled by the visionary support of Transport Scotland. Together, we’re steering Scotland toward a sustainable future by promoting electric bikes as a key solution to reduce carbon emissions and make commuting more eco-friendly. 2024 offers another year of exciting initiatives in making green commutes a reality change for individuals and businesses.

Gavin Scarr Hall at Peninsula UK quotes:

Replacing your vehicle fleet with electric vehicles will help the UK’s transport emissions, of which, shockingly, 55% comes from cars. Even better, encourage the use of public transport where possible; implement a cycle to work or car-pooling scheme, or work with local bus companies to provide passes at a reduced cost.

E-Bike Business Loan

Businesses in Scotland now have the opportunity to access an interest-free loan of up to £30,000. This four-year repayment plan is an investment in a greener, more efficient corporate future.

Electric Bike Loans for Individuals

Scottish residents can embrace the personal e-bike loan, offering up to £6,000 per household interest-free. This initiative supports individuals in adopting e-bikes for a sustainable and efficient daily commute, making every journey count toward reducing transport emissions.

E-Bike Grants for Public and Third Sector Organisations

Energy Saving Trust, with the support of Transport Scotland, allocates £1.14 million for the eBike Grant Fund. This fund supports public and third-sector organisations in Scotland to adopt e-bikes and e-cargo bikes as alternatives to car journeys, further aligning with the collective commitment to a cleaner environment.

Free Electric Bike Trials for Big Energy Saving Week

To celebrate Big Energy Saving Week 2024, Energy Saving Trust, VOLT Bikes invite individuals to experience free e-bike trials for up to three weeks. This initiative allows you to witness firsthand the positive impact of e-bikes on your daily commute.

Every little help, if you have any questions or would like to contact us so we can find the best solution to help you save big this year, please contact us at [email protected]

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