E-Bikes, Health and the Environment: VOLT™ Talks to Vegan Life Magazine

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A couple rides VOLT electric bikes for Vegan Life MagazineWith countless studies attesting to the environmental benefits of e-bikes, there’s never been a better time to switch out your traditional mode of transport for two wheels. We’re elated that Vegan Life Magazine gave VOLT™ a shout out in their latest blurb on the benefits of electric bikes.

Pedelecs became a favourite for the magazine as they lower emissions and lessen air pollution. Costing three to six pence to charge and offering a range of up to 100 miles, they’re also more cost-efficient than other commuting methods.

Indeed, E-bikes are also proven to be six times more energy-efficient than using rail transport,” they wrote.

Fitness benefits for people of all abilities make them all the more appealing: “Along with the usual health benefits of cycling, the e-bikes are particularly useful for those who struggle to ride a traditional bicycle due to age or health reasons.”

As they’ve continued to gain traction, they’ve brought together advanced cyclists, new riders and everyone in between.

 “E-bikes have not only benefited from a significant migration from traditional riders; they have importantly created a completely new cycling community.”

Book a test ride and see the benefits for yourself.

Vegan Life Magazine Vegan News