E-bikes make better gifts – Country Living’s Eco-Friendly Xmas List

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Volt Kensington

Have we seen the end of shopping centre stampedes and supermarket brawls over Black Friday deals? 

As that infamous discount shopping fever weekend fast approaches, let’s hope so. While fights in the aisles over the last thingy-ma-jig that seems to offer no practical use certainly makes compelling viewing, the reality is that UK shopping trends have changed dramatically.

Recent national and global research reveals a long-term (post-pandemic) and seismic shift towards online shopping. According to Retail Economics, online consumption saw “five years of growth in 2020 alone” with over a third of consumers stating their switch to internet shopping was permanent.

It’s not just the where and how that is changing though, British shoppers are also changing the “what”. A similar shopping trend paper by BRC noted an increase in searches for ethical and sustainable brands and cited brand and reputation marketing director at Google UK, Nishma Robb as saying there was “a powerful indication that people are seeking to drive change, not just through campaigning but in the decisions they make as consumers”.

With this in mind, we’re thrilled to have our Volt Kensington E-bike make Country Living’s 24 Eco-Friendly Christmas Gifts List! As well as the feature, the list also appears alongside several great articles and comprises some really exciting gifts.  

Country Living Gift List
Country Living

From sustainable gin and climate positive vodka to wireless earbuds from bamboo and naturally whitening toothpaste tabs, there really is something for everyone on this green gift list.

Listed as an ‘investment buy’, the Kensington offers something that is not only environmentally friendly but will also serve to enrich the recipient’s life for many years to come. The green benefits of e-bikes are well documented. In addition, this step-through e-bicycle offers not just convenience but also a lot of fun!

If you’d like to see for yourself why not arrange a free test ride or demo, call 020 7378 4728 or check out our dealer network to find a stockist near you.

Country Living