KCW Today Takes The Kensington Out for a Spin.

BLOG   press   KCW Today Takes The Kensington Out for a Spin.

Kensington Chelsea and Westminster today’s Ione Bingley prior to riding the VOLT™ Kensington admittedly was expecting a “heavy and unwieldy scooter”. She was very quickly, pleasantly surprised when the “chic” step-through Kensington appeared.  Equipped with leather saddle and handlebars, fitted lights and front and back mudguards. Lone could not wait to ride the stylish e-bike. 

“As easy as riding a bike”.

Ione, a veteran cyclist, knows the struggle of arriving to work exhausted and sweaty. She highly recommends the Kensington to anybody who is looking to avoid the rush hour madness on public transport. The e-bike is also the answer for people who do not want to arrive at the office looking like they are in a desperate need of a shower!

“The Volt Electric bike is also perfect for anyone looking for a gentle ride that’s easy on the knees or wanting a helping hand to get back into shape.”

Read the full article here.