VOLT™ Managing Director goes the distance

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Managing director of VOLT with customer from Barbados

When Charles ordered a spare charger for his VOLT™ Pulse, he got a delivery service that really did exceed all expectations!

Customer service that goes further

It’s fair to say, most people ordering an item from the UK for delivery to Barbados might expect a pricey P&P fee and a relatively lengthy delivery time. So imagine the surprise Barbadian resident Charles got when he discovered his spare charger would be hand delivered by one of the VOLT™ Managing Directors just two days after placing his order!

By chance, Charles placed an order for the spare Pulse battery charger just as MD James Metcalfe was preparing for a well earned break on this stunning island. Customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do here, so when we realised we could save Charles some time and expense on his delivery we jumped at the opportunity. James was only too happy to sacrifice some luggage space and delivered the charger himself, right to the door of Charles’ home.

Another happy ending courtesy of VOLT™!

Sunset over the sea and beach in Barbados