From Runners to Hoteliers – New News Featuring The Best E-bikes

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Folded Volt Metro in Liverpool Street Station

Lastest Media and Press Round Up

Wow! The UK’s tech journalists and reviewers have been busy this summer! We’ve had a plethora of features and media appearances since our last press roundup. Here’s a selection of our favourite appearances since then… 

Best E-bike All Rounder – Runner’s World

It may sound counterintuitive for a running publication to feature an article on the “5 best electric bikes for all terrains” but actually, it’s not. As reviewer Tom James points out, e-biking is definitely not cheating and is a better way to keep more active between those runs while covering larger distances. So we’re thrilled to see the Pulse named Runner’s World “Best All-Rounder” after some rigorous testing by Tom and the team. Check out the full review on Runner’s World here.

Going green and saving hundreds with E-bikes – The i

When viewed out of context, the initial investment for any power-assisted cycle may lead to a sharp intake of breath. Luckily, this useful article in the i helps add that context and brings some much-needed clarity with the facts and stats that demonstrate the money-saving opportunities e-bikes bring. This includes one case study featuring a commuter fave, the Volt Pulse Hybrid ebike. Read the full i News article here.

“Charge of the Electric Bike Brigade” – The Times

An interesting article looking at the rise in e-bike popularity in the UK and why the revolution “shows no signs of slowing down”. With features and quotes from Volt and the Volt directors. You can read The Times article here (but you’ll need to subscribe to view it in full).

In-Depth Volt London E-bike Review – Bike Radar

Our single-speed urban electric bike was catapulted onto the market earlier this year after being named Red dot best cycle design winner and interest around this award-winner shows no sign of waning.  Cue Bike Radar for their turn to put the Volt London through its paces for an independent and in-depth review. Read the full review here.

Best Electric Bike 2022 – Expert reviews

The Expert Reviews’ 2022 results are out and our Volt Metro features in the definitive list of the best ebikes of the year. Since the meteoric rise in popularity of e-biking, we’ve seen so many new players enter the market including some big, big brands. So to still be holding its own in this highly competitive market, is a great accolade for this compact but powerful folding e-bike. You can view the full list and article here

Best Folding E-bikes Complete Guide Video  – Electro Heads

It’s not just Expert Reviews raving about the Metro. Here’s Another insightful and well-put-together video from all things electric specialist youtube channel Electroheads… 

Boosting Guest Experience with Ebikes – Hotelier & Hospitality Design

From a business world view, when you think of e-powered cycles you tend to think delivery riders but in this Hotelier and Hospitality article, we see how e-bikes are bringing a new and exciting offering to the hospitality industry. Read more on page 26-27 of this digital magazine.

Best Electric Bikes 2022 – Tech Advisor

One more “best of” list feature and this time it’s the Pulse that gets the nod from Tech Advisor reviewer Jim Martin. Making the top 10 among some of the global heavyweights is no mean feat for our flagship bike that’s had a new injection of tech and style for 2022. View their full Top 10 list here.

“Electric Dreams” – City A.M.

Another article in a big-name paper that picks explores the rise in popularity of e-bikers in a climate of heatwaves and union strikes.  This article features a more in-depth profile with Volt director James Metcalfe as he shares his own insights into e-bike-mania and the future of the industry. You can read the full City A.M. piece here.