Shetland Bike Project and Volt feature in i’i Shetland Magazine

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ii Shetland Magazine

Whether you’re an intrepid wanderer, lover of the Scottish scenery or a fan of Ann Cleave’s award-winning crime novels, Shetland has some to offer everyone. And now that includes electric bikes! 

We love what the Shetland Community Bike Project is doing and we were all thrilled to see them (and our e-bikes) feature in the monthly edition of the Shetland magazine

In the article, titled “Pedal to Success” writer, Andrew Gibson gets a behind the scenes look at the project and also gets in the saddle of a Volt Burlington.

As well as highlighting the important community work this fantastic project offers, the piece also explores their two-wheeled provisions to both locals and tourists alike. 

The main reason Caroline invited me along to the Community Bike Project is to show me their new Volt electric bikes which they hire and sell

Gibson continues to highlight the benefits of offering electric cycles as a mode of transport on Shetland. Reducing traffic and carbon emissions cited as a primary benefit to the island. It was even more inspiring to read of the midwives and other NHS staff, ditching the car and getting on e-bikes to perform their duties!

As for Andrew Gibson’s own experience of the Volt Burlington, he sums up in his own words… 

“I may be their newest convert”

You can find out more about i’i Shetland publication here as well as the Shetland Bike Project here. If you live in Scotland you may also be interested in the brilliant Energy Saving Trust scheme that will help finance a greener, more energy-efficient lifestyle.

Shetland Community Bike Project

If you want to buy the full article. Click here