VOLT™ Pulse Gets Seal of Approval from Best of British Magazine

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Best of British Journalist Simon Stabler test rides the VOLT Pulse e-bike

What made Best of British Mag journalist change from unwilling biker to cycling lover? Answer: the VOLT™ Pulse

Simon Stabler from Best of British Magazine had given up cycling years ago and wasn’t keen on starting again, but after trying the Pulse, his mind was changed completely:

“VOLT™ gave me the chance to not only rethink cycling but the idea of electric bikes in general.” 

He soon realized that the slopes he dreaded to cycle up before were now something to be enjoyed:

As I reached the apex of the bridge, I noticed someone wheeling their bike up from the other side and wished them a cheery, yet slightly smug, “evening”.” 

Even better, was checking his stats at the end of the ride:

“Checking the onboard display, which told me the average speed of my trip, distance and duration, I felt a sense of achievement.”

And he made sure to spread the word: 

“I popped into the pub for a pint – telling anyone who’d listen how enjoyable the ride was.”

At the end of his ride, Simon was feeling great and, best of all, rejuvenated by the experience: 

“I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Pulse and I can see how with repeated trips it would help me get my fitness levels back to the near mythical time of my youth.”

Click the image below for full article.

You can buy the December 2017 issue of Best of British Magazine and read the full article here.