Cycling UK, Big Bike Revival & Cycling For Your Whisky

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Sunset of Scottish Islay

Anyone who follows the Volt blog will know of our fondness for the Scottish landscape and its people. So when we noticed Cycling UK recently feature photographs of our e-bikes on Islay, we couldn’t resist sharing…  

The beautiful Scottish Island of Islay, known as “The Queen of the Hebrides” has a population of fewer than 4,000 people and is a Mecca for any whisky fan! 

Over the summer this 239-mile island hosted a Big Bike Revival event which was supported by Home Energy Scotland and Energy Saving Trust. 

The Big Bike Revival is a project that aims to help people overcome the obstacles that may stop them from cycling. In Cycling UK’s coverage of the Islay event, they feature a local distillery worker who switches from never riding to work to riding a twelve-mile daily commute on a Volt Burlington The Islay resident added:

 “I use it for everything, there is not a day I’m not using it”  

After riding an electric bike for a few months he has seen the benefits in his mental and physical health- “It makes me more fit and active; I’m really enjoying it”. As well as improving his mental and physical health it has made him more sociable encouraging him to stop and chat with locals, something he couldn’t do when driving in his car.  

Working with the Big Bike Revival, the Energy Saving Trust offers interest-free e-bike loans (for Scottish residents & businesses) for up to £3000 with a repayment period of four years.  

You can see the full case study here… 

Cycling UK Swapping a car for an e-bike article preview