How All Cycle Paths Should Be Made

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Van Gogh Starry Night style bike Cycle Path by Studio Roosegaarde

The Van Gogh Starry Night Cycle Path

Last night Daan Roosegaarde’s illuminated cycle lane was officially opened. The Dutch designer based the pattern design on Vincent Van Gogh’s mesmerising painting ‘Starry Night‘.

This special bicycle path runs through Nuenen in Holland for about a kilometre. Using a special paint, the path absorbs energy during the day and then glows in the dark at night. The path is also assisted by solar powered LED lighting that provide additional illumination.

Van Gogh Cycle Path Studio Roosegaarde

Van Gogh Path detail Studio Roosegaarde

Van Gogh bike Path by Studio Roosegaarde

The Van Gogh Bike Path forms part of a larger, award winning project called Smart Highways. This revolutionary project aims to change the way roads, walkways and paths are illuminated at night. Using contemporary and dynamic lighting techniques, Studio Roose Gaarde’s aims are to make the road infrastructure safer and more energy efficient.

Dynamic Paint illustration - Smart Highway Project Studio Roosegaarde

This stunning cycle-way is another example of how the Netherlands are leading the way in road safety and demonstrates the great respect they have for cyclists.

Following the huge achievements of the British cycling team in recent years as well as a very successful English start of the Tour De France this year; the UK has very much become focal point for world cycling. With such global attention, many cycle enthusiasts are hoping the same investments and attitudes demonstrated by the Dutch authorities will be replicated here in the UK. Cycling legend and policy  adviser Chris Boardman, is also often heard quoting the Dutch cycling policies, in fact just last week he quoted Dutch cycling safety statistics on BBC breakfast during a Cycling Awareness feature.

The early indications are pretty positive, with regular reports of new cycle lanes and road safety initiatives occurring up and down the country. Back in March we reported on a ‘dutch-style’ cycle-way being planned for Bristol in our Going Dutch blog post.

Wouldn’t it be great if in the years to come we were reporting how other EU countries were installing British style cycleways!